Posts Tagged ‘Several Times’

Famous Korean Temple

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

I’m really missing Korea these days. I’ve heard several times from one of my friends there, and almost went over to speak at a conference, but that fell through.

All of that just makes me want to go there for a visit even more.

I lived in Korea for 6 years (already 10 in Japan now, wow!) but it seems like yesterday and like it was a lot longer. It was a very big part of my life, and well, still is.

One of the things that always impressed me was that old stuff was really old.

In the US, old was 50 years, maybe 100. In Korea that’s still infancy.

It was really amazing (not using that word lightly here) to walk into a temple or garden that had stood, virtually the same, for 100’s of years.

One of my favorites is Bulguk Temple – 불국사 – located in Kyoungju (often called BulgukSa Temple, but the “Sa” means “Temple” so is redundant).

Actually the name means Land (country) of Buddha Temple and began construction in 751. You can ‘feel’ that when you enter the gates. It’s been restored a number of times, but still has essentially the same structure as it had when originally built. Pretty impressive.

Here’s a photo I took of it the last time I visited:

bulguk temple - Kyounju Korea

Bynn’s first golf outing in Japan

Monday, April 9th, 2012

A couple of weeks ago right after Bynn graduated (well, they don’t really hold anyone back here, so technically the term would be ‘moved on’) from elementary school we got the chance to hit the links.

I’ve been several times here, and we did play together some time ago while on a trip to Guam for his first time ever on a course, but this was the first time on a course in Japan.

The weather was great though we barely beat the rain home. While we were out, it held up pretty well although the wind was a little sharp at times.

We went to Mie prefecture to the Suzuka Country Club and played the Higashi (East) course. It’s not a really long course at 6,347 yards, and no water-locked greens, but still challenging enough. The fairways were pretty wide but you were in trouble if you got out of the fairway with all the trees, bunkers, and creeks and ponds along the sides.

Bynn managed a bogey on one hole,  and hit the ball fairly well, so we were able to enjoy the day. All in all, it was great. I can’t wait till Ahn can go too.

Here are a few photos –

Passwords, personal stuff, and protection

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

It has happened again. It’s happened several times already to others.

It Can Happen To You.


It has happened to me, too. Not too long ago, someone got my gmail password. Not easy to do. I was lucky though. I caught it quickly, and fixed it, but it was scary, and embarrassing, and it made me angry.

Your Twitter, Facebook, email password can be stolen. With that information people can contact all of your friends, pretending to be you.

That’s bad. That’s not the worst part though.

Why are they contacting them?

To get them to visit sites that help them earn money, deliver viruses, or worse, steal your friends’ personal information.

Please take your password security seriously.

Quick tips:

  1. Make it at least 8 characters long.
  2. Use letters, numbers, some capital letters, some lower case, or special characters if possible. Something like 8FiU4#29P
  3. Don’t use words of any kind, not English, not Japanese, not any thing that is actually a word.
  4. Don’t use personal information – birthday, student number etc – yours or other family members, friends etc
  5. Change it regularly.

Try putting together a sentence to help you to remember your password.


I Have been 2 ToKyo Disney c 9 Xs

If you have problems with your password, or accounts, always be sure to check that your contact email address is still set to your address. (hackers/thieves often change that address so they can just click the Lost Password button after you change it and they (not you) get sent the new password, and your are locked out again)

It can happen to you.

I said that already.

But, it’s important. It’s inconvenient, yes, but not as inconvenient as having your account broken into…

Do it now, okay?

Have questions? Just ask. I’m happy to help if I can.

New Year’s Skating fun

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

During break time we usually have a chance to get together with one of Ahn’s friends from back in his daycare days. She and her family actually moved away several years ago, but her grandfather still livesa few houses down from us, and they come to visit.

When she visits, the boys try to meet her and at least go to the park to play or invite her over to watch movies or eat or play here at our house since she’s usually here for a few days.

When they come, we also usually try to get together as families for some kind of fun. We’ve gone to the river, BBQ’d with them, and out to eat in the past.

This time we decided at that last minute to go iceskating.



When I was a boy, we used to skate on the ponds on the farm. Yes, I’m one of _those_ guys. We even sometime had people over for skating parties.

I remember sometimes skating when we couldn’t skate next to each other for fear the ice would break, too 😉

We didn’t have those kinds of problems this time though, hehheh.

We’ve gone several times to the skating rink out at Morikoro park (where the Expo was held a few years ago).

That’s where we headed this time, too.

Here are a few photos from the day on ice.

Me being helpful :-)

Me being helpful 🙂