My opinion

In English it is very important to tell others what you think about a particular topic.

One sign of that is the large number of ways to say “in my opinion”.

Here’s a list I’ve put together of some of the more common ways I know to say “in my opinion” using other phrases:

Sharing what you think – your opinion

  1. In my opinion…
  2. In my humble opinion/my humble opinion is…
  3. My opinion is…
  4. If you want my opinion…
  5. I am of the opinion (that)…
  6. If you ask me…
  7. I think…
  8. Well, I think (Well – any of the above)
  9. From where I stand/sit
  10. I see it (as/like)…
  11. How I see it is…
  12. The way I see it is…
  13. From my perspective…
  14. I believe…
  15. I was always told…
  16. For me…
  17. As for me…
  18. When it comes to me…
  19. In my book…
  20. Speaking for myself…
  21. It seems…
  22. It seems to me/To me it seems
  23. To me…
  24. For me…
  25. To my mind…
  26. In my mind…
  27. I (would) say…
  28. In my case…
  29. I find that/I have found that…
  30. To my way of thinking…

If you have some to add to the list, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

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