Posts Tagged ‘Photos’

Halloween Cookies

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

This week is Halloween, and though I don’t really have Halloween parties in class, students bring snacks and Halloween things to class and we eat and play while we do activities that are related to the holiday.

This year was a good year for Halloween in my classes. Tuesday classes were one day before, and Wednesday class  was on Halloween. That helps since lots of students are pretty focused on the holiday for that day.

One of my students at Chukyo actually made the cookies she brought to class, and that was really nice. Very nice. She’s a good kid 😉 She brought 3 cookies for each student (I think there are 10 students in that class), and they were wrapped and placed in a small paper bag for each person.

The cookies were delicious, and they looked really cute.

Here are a couple of shots. Sorry they’re a little blurry. I ate them before I realized the photos I took weren’t very clear.

Thanks, Kumi!

Ahn’s hair

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

My younger son has been sporting what we call a Padiwan braid for a while now. It’s really starting to get pretty long.

I am the one who braids it, and we usually rebraid it about about every 2 or 3 weeks. Sometimes if the band comes off it’s more often, but usually not.

He started this at the same time Bynn got his mohawk. Ahn also wanted a mohawk, but due to a large cowlick in the front of his hair, that really wasn’t going to work out very well. So… this what he opted for. It took some time to get going, but I’ve been braiding it for about 2 years now.

Here are the latest photos from that:

2012 CISV Spring Dinner

Monday, February 20th, 2012

Last night we got the chance to meet up again with the CISV group from Tokai district.

We met at the same hotel restaurant we met last time when we all go together for the first time back when everyone just got back from their trips. It’s the hotel Rubura Ozan.

It was great to get to see everyone who was able to make it. Seems like a lot of folks couldn’t be there, but it was still a great turn out.

We also all got to meet the new leaders for this year’s groups. Of course Hideki was there. It was good to see him, too.

Here are a few photos I took.

Here’s my New Look for 2012

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Bynn and Ahn made these masks at their art school this week. Of course, serious person that I am, I could not resist trying them on and taking pictures of them 😉

Since I know not everyone cares about or wants to see photos of me, I included more of the boys modeling their creations.

Maybe I mentioned this before, but they’ve been attending an art school for maybe 6 years, or more. They’re not learning to be Da Vinci, but they enjoy it and the teacher is really wonderful. He’s kept them interested and happy and eager to go each week since they were in daycare, so he must be doing something right.

Remember that when you start learning anything, it’s really more important how fun and interesting the teacher makes things than how much you’re learning.

Each week they do different things. Sometimes they do projects that take multiple classes to complete, and they usually do some seasonal, holiday related stuff, but it’s not the same every year or for the same holiday each year. He’s a very good teacher and very prepared as well.

Anyway, here are some fun pictures of the masks they painted:

Happy Birthday to me and my wife for 2012

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Well, they come every year, if you’re lucky, and so far I’ve been pretty lucky. For a lot of years I have been very, very lucky.

So, another year and another birthday survived. Quite an accomplishment for me this time.

As usual we celebrated our birthday together (it is the same day after all ;-))

This time around I decided to try something a little different for the cake. Sulseob has been trying out making square cakes, and I decided to throw in a little extra on the decorations this time.

I claimed that there wasn’t enough space on the cake for both our names like I usually write on the cake, but really I just thought it would be nice for Sulseob to have her own cake for once. (I’ve not had my own for some time, nor one I haven’t made for myself, but I’ve had cake and a celebration with some of my students – thanks guys!! – so thought I’d do it this way this time).

This was waiting to greet me on Tuesday when I entered class:

A very, very large Birthday card for me

A very, very large Birthday card for me

Here are a few photos of the cake and such from our little celebration at home: