
Wanisan.com is a site dedicated to the learning of language through actions and activities, through experiencing language in real situations that might actually occur in your life, work, and studies.

This site is maintained by me, Allen Williams, as a tool for making it both easier to share some information and to interact in a different way with my students.

I’ve been teaching English as a second language and English at the university level since 1993 and have taught in the United States as well as Korea and Japan.

You’ll find information on writing both academic and casual writing.

You will also find tips on learning and using langauge. While English Language Learning is the main focus, most of the tips and ideas can be applied to any language you are learning. Exercises are exercises and can usually be easily adapted to work with whatever target language you are interested in learning. Some tips will be English specific though.

Some other things you’ll find are links to online classes. These classes are for students at several levels and include private classes as well as courses I am teaching or have been teaching at university here in Japan.

Some of the classes are restricted to students currently registered in the corresponding university course.

Some of the classes are open to any one, and some classes are private classes that require registration and pre-approval before accessing them.

A special thanks to Ryo Kondo, a former student, who graciously provided the art work for the graphics I created for the site.

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