Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Spring is almost finished

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Golden Week will be here soon and then Spring will be almost gone. Mostly I feel like spring has passed when the cherry blossoms are all gone.

This week there are only a few blossoms left on the trees and the streets and walkways are littered with the petals of the blossoms looking like snow. It’s still beautiful out, but the trees are starting to lose the blooms and just look like trees.

Walking in Heiwa Park on one of my regular walks last week I took a few quick photos. This week these are mostly gone, but I wanted to share the pictures from last week.

The Remains of the day

Monday, January 16th, 2017

We had a bit of snow, and I do mean a bit. People here get excited every time there’s a flurry. It just makes me nervous to drive with them on the road 😉

I know lots of people are experiencing a fair amount of snow at the moment, so this would not have been enough to impress them for sure. Although the school sent out a notice to be on the lookout for any early morning snow and possible announcements for closing school today, that little bit of frosted flakes wasn’t going to be enough to slow anyone down.

That didn’t stop people from getting out yesterday though and doing their best to create some snowmen.

On my walk this morning I got a few pictures of what were mostly the remains of snowmen. Well, there’s one spot I’m not sure was a snowman, but I think it could have been. I took these photos on my way back so they were actually in a little better shape when I passed them on the way out. Not much better, but still better.

Enjoying the last of the warm weekends

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Last week the weather was really nice, although it is hard to remember that now with how cold it has become. That wind is really cold!

We had visitors from Korea who came to stay with us. They used to live her in Nagoya, but they returned to Korea to live about 5 years ago. Their family has been very close to us for many years, since our children were born. They have 2 sons, and the older one and mother came to visit. While the boys all went to play basketball with their friends, we went out to Morikoro Park to the skating rink.

I am not a good skater, but I can get around and help my wife while she skates. It’s great exercise 😉

We usually go there about once or twice a year, but I can’t remember the last time we were there. Maybe more than 1 year ago.

While we were there we also saw an interesting festival of cosplay. The weather was really nice for that, so people were outside on the hillside there and everyone was busy taking or posing for photos.

Anyway, it was a good time.

I didn’t do any cosplay, but I did take this photo 😉



Happy New Year’s for 2017

Thursday, January 5th, 2017

Another year has passed and we’re already underway with 2017. I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday break.

This year was very quiet during the holidays for my family. It didn’t help that I was sick with a pretty bad cold, and still have the cough and running nose!

I’m not a big fan of making promises and new year’s resolutions. Most people don’t keep those anyway, and I also don’t think that we need to wait until the new year to start a new plan. It is a good marker for some people though, so if it works, than I’m happy for them.

I’m looking forward to a great year!

Merry Christmas from Wanisan 2016

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Happy Holidays and Happy Winter Break!

Did I miss anything?

Please enjoy your holiday as best you can. Be safe, be loved.

From Wanisan and Family!

Yes, I hired professional artists for these… well, I paid them with breakfast 😉