The Remains of the day

We had a bit of snow, and I do mean a bit. People here get excited every time there’s a flurry. It just makes me nervous to drive with them on the road 😉

I know lots of people are experiencing a fair amount of snow at the moment, so this would not have been enough to impress them for sure. Although the school sent out a notice to be on the lookout for any early morning snow and possible announcements for closing school today, that little bit of frosted flakes wasn’t going to be enough to slow anyone down.

That didn’t stop people from getting out yesterday though and doing their best to create some snowmen.

On my walk this morning I got a few pictures of what were mostly the remains of snowmen. Well, there’s one spot I’m not sure was a snowman, but I think it could have been. I took these photos on my way back so they were actually in a little better shape when I passed them on the way out. Not much better, but still better.

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One Response to “The Remains of the day”

  1. Yusuke Kawamura says:

    My super hero is a mother.
    She gets up and keeps early in the morning.
    If that ends, she goes to work.
    The most wonderful things is thst she don’t complain/
    I’d like to be a person like her, to.
    A mother,always thank you very much.

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