Fastest way to learn a language

Okay, let’s get this out of the way. There is no easy way.


There are ways to make things better, and easier, but fact of the matter is, you’re going to need some time, and effort, and a plan in order to learn your new language.

Okay, got it? Can we move on now?

Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s get to how to make things easier and faster.

Here are a couple of quick tips to speed things up.

1. Spend your language learning time on learning the langage and not necessarily on all the rules.

We learn our native language long before we know the rules.

2. Learn ‘structures’.

Structures are the basis for grammar and rules anyway, so find the language chunks and phrases so you can then make new ones more easily. Once you’ve learned for example “I want ____” or “I want to _____” you can expand your vocabulary and ability to communicate very quickly by just adding words for the blank.

3. Learn some stories or songs.

You can pick up new vocabulary, structures, and more easily remember them because the structure is there to make things easy to remember. That is, there are rhymes and an order to the story or song which then act as natural memory aides. Besides that, it is a lot more fun! Which leads us to…

4. Have fun!

Learn a game in your target language, watch a movie, listen to songs, read jokes or comic books, time yourself at flashcards, but do something that doesn’t just make you feel like you are just studying.

5. Spend 5 times more of your effort and time ‘doing’ and ‘using’ than you do just ‘studying’.

Studying swimming books for the remainder of your life will still leave you drowning in any water over your head if you never get in the water and use that information.

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