The heat is peeling things

Summer is not here for class yet, but it is certainly here with the weather. It has been in the mid 30s several days in a row now. The humidity has been high as well. I think we actually used the air-conditioning at home more than once.

That’s not a thing we have to do so much.

A couple of days ago when I was parking my bike at school I saw a monster grasshopper taking advantage of some shade on the back of a recently parked car. I guess the window was still cool from the air conditioning. He didn’t want to be disturbed. I’m not sure how big it looks in this photo, but I thought it was huge.

On my walks during the day my clothes are completely soaked wth sweat. There are some shady spots along the trails, but today I noticed that even a snake thought it must have been too hot and walked out of some skin!

Okay, I know it wasn’t the heat, but I did see a pretty good sized, all in one piece, snake skin that was recently shed along one of the trails I usually walk.

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